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Blues Based Rock n' Roll with Flavah!

TK Full Band

Behind the Band:

Portland Oregon is home to Toledo Kesch. Based in the blues, their sound can best be described as rock-n-roll nuanced with southern flavors and a Northwest edge. Together for over 20 years, they’ve developed a sound that is at once familiar yet grooves with original rhythms and percussive sounds reminiscent of bands such as Little Feat, Steely Dan, and the E-Street Band. Tasty guitar, swampy keyboard solos, full vocal harmonies, and an always with solid rhythmic underpinnings make that notorious Flavah come alive. Their distinct sound is on display in their two most recent records For The Money, and their self-titled Toledo Kesch. Songs such as the groovin' Slow Down Jeffrey, the soulful Always Be Mine, the country western tinged Dangerous, and Brazilian street party That Thang are all available on iTunes, CDBaby, and from the smiley person at the merch table at their gigs.

TK is sought after for private events, as well at various venues in the Portland area including Secret Society, Duff’s Garage, Trails End, and The Tilicum. The guys have also performed for the Local Roots Live Series which was recorded and aired on Salem's KMUZ community radio.

They also filmed a live performance at CCTV, which was aired in both Salem and Portland, Oregon. Here's a preview of their rockin' performance:

Behind the Band Members:

Brian Crandall

The last time you went to a club you likely gave your money to a guy at the door that looked like bass player Brian Crandall. If you had MTV as a kid then you and everyone knows that the prototypical bass player means business. To coin a phrase, he’s the “gravity”.  You get the feeling Brian would carry you through a hurricane and take no prisoners. Like any true musician Brian rarely flexes because his aim is for the groove. As if joined at the brain stem, he and John provide a timeless flow of musical alchemy that likely would take a tourniquet to quell.


John ElliotT

Typically when a surgeon works, there need be quiet as if to hear his or her is own pulse. Because it’s the surgeon’s PULSE that is YOUR LIFE as you lay on the operating table. Most drummers have a signature style, but nothing will ever be more in style than keeping meter with style (See John Bonham). Elliott is as articulate with a drum kit as anyone else is with their chosen language because he speaks drum. I personally love to see a drummer beat the livin shit out of their drums like your heart wont beat if ya don’t. John Elliott puts in man’s work in on the kit and has the rare ability to massage his craft of choice flawlessly, bombastic, yet with a grin because he knows when he locks with Brian . . . they're perfect. Thanks, we’re better now. . . 

Dan Jolley

It’s not hard to find someone in the audience that is blown away with Dan Jolley. I mean, shit! Really? Hell Yes. Thing about Danny is he has a way of creeping up on you. There’s a point you become so blinded by his sweet, skill-full, jazz- demeanor,  that you end up intoxicated with his power that you never see the wink he gives you when he holds his guitar like Jimmy Page and unleashes a torrent of yesteryears emotions that you can’t explain away. Call it rock or call it blues…all I know is I want Dan Jolley’s guitar to explain it to me every time.


Billy Nichols

Some guys just cant help it. I mean really, you’re just an artist (just? Eye roll). Billy Nichols is integral to Kesch DNA groove. A simmering black sheep with a brain, the kid has a chip on his shoulder that informs his keyboards with wit, elegance, and drive. He’s the man driving the bus and reminds me of Johnny Johnson of Clapton ’24 nights’ with that additional heavy fingered Billy Payne inspired spank! The keyboards pay attention to him, not the other way around. Just listen and you can hear Elton John, Greg Allman, and Reese Wynanns among others. If you ever went to church, Billy has a way of making ya pray when he lays into that Hammond Organ.

Behind the Band Name:

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When hunting for that perfect original name (after many discussions and copious amounts of beer), Brian was reading the Nickel Adds and found listings for Toledo Scales and Kesch’s Land Scape. He added the two together and *voila!* Toledo Kesch was born.

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